Friday, February 22, 2013

Diablo 3 devs want to “refocus players away from farming the Auction House”

The auction house has been the most consistently-criticized element of Diablo 3. Many players feel the hack-and-slasher has been balanced around throwing you a bunch of gear you don’t need or want, so you’ll sell it to players who do and hand-pick your upgrades from a spreadsheet. This process isn't as fun as getting the gear you want from the half-exploded corpse of a demon. Blizzard agrees that this is an issue, stating in a massive community Q&A on the official forums that it’s something they’re addressing.

“Something we discuss frequently is how the Auction House has impacted the game and how we can refocus players away from farming the Auction House and onto farming monsters,” Game Designer Travis Day wrote. Working toward that goal, today’s 1.0.7 patch introduces a new crafting system that utilizes a new resource: Demonic Essence. The DE craft able will be account-bound, removing them from the auction house economy. sell cheap diablo 3 gold

“Demonic Essence was made account bound to encourage players who wish to create the new items to play the game instead of simply going to the Auction House and buying all the mats necessary to mass produce the items,” Day continues. “For that same reason we wanted the product of the recipes to be account bound as well. We want players to not only find or produce their own items more often but also diminish the impact the Auction House has on the game, and we felt like this was a good opportunity to take our first steps in that direction.”

The full Q&A goes in-depth into a variety of topics from PvP rewards to class changes.

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Le tutu et la baballe

à force de suivre ma belle Ouginak à la trace comme un sale cabot qu’il est, Indie va finir par lui refiler des puces ! La chasse à Lou est ouverte et, comme la plume est plus forte que l’épée, le tutu sera plus fort que la Boufballe ! Enfin, je crois… On peut revoir le match ?


Mes pas de danse vont le scotcher. Mon déhanché langoureux va l'ecaflipper. Ma grace, je vais lui faire avaler. Et ma Lou, dans mes bras, va tomber ! Mes poils se hérissent dans le bon sens rien qu'en y pensant.  acheter des kamas

Kof!... Kof!... Excusez-moi. Des fois, je crache des boules de poils quand je suis content !

Où en étais-je ? Ah oui… Indie, mes ronds de jambe vont t’être fatals !
Et je n’aurai besoin que d’une paire de ballerines et d’une boufballe pour mettre ton équipe de Mulous-Garous K.O. ! (Non, la balle n’est pas en argent, pourquoi ?...) acheter des kamas sur dofus  buy diablo gold

Entrez dans la ronde ! Danse contre les Mulous est en ligne et en replay. Après ?a, piqué, plié et saut de cha vers l’objet caché dans ma maison !
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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Neue Items für Aion 3.5 im Shop


     Pünktlich zum neuen Update haben die Schwarzwolkenh?ndler wieder neue Gegenst?nde in die Ladenregale gepackt, die euch sicher gefallen werden!

    So k?nnt ihr eure müden Fü?e und Flügel ausruhen und auf dem schicken Flitzer “Mophad Lumen” durch die Gegend düsen und dabei m?chtig Eindruck schinden! Oder wollt ihr doch lieber mit neuen, wirklich stilvollen Flügeln angeben? Dann hebt ab mit den Pernon-Schwingen, die euch tolle Boni bieten werden und für alle Charaktere der Stufe 60 zur Verfügung stehen. Buy Aion Gold

    Natürlich gibt es auch für die neuen Instanzen “Tiamats Festung” und “Tiamats Unterschlupf” die begehrten Schriftrollen der Zeit zu ergattern, welche sofort die Abklingzeit der jeweiligen Instanz zurücksetzen. Oder soll es lieber ein frischer Erholungstee sein? G?nnt euch eine Verschnaufpause und regeneriert euch 50% schneller!

    Wenn ihr aber erst ganz neu angefangen habt und euch das Leveln zu langsam voranschreitet, dann k?nnen wir euch nur das Normale Serum des Wachstums I ans Herz legen, welches euch sofort 20% der Erfahrungspunkte eurer aktuellen Stufe gew?hrt. Ihr solltet aber mindestens Stufe 10 erreicht haben und nicht gr??er als Level 19 sein. Cheap Aion Kina

   Des Weiteren gibt es noch Schriftrollen, die eure Herstellungs- und Sammelfertigkeit verbessern. Mit der AP-Schriftrolle I erhaltet ihr 10% mehr Abysspunkte im PvP oder PvE – ihr habt also 60 Minuten Zeit, 10% mehr AP zusammeln, dabei hat die Schriftrolle nur 1 Stunde Abklingzeit.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Blizzard say class action lawsuit is “without merit and filled with patently false information”


     Blizzard have responded to the class action lawsuit over the sale and effectiveness of online Authenticators, calling the move “frivolous” and saying the claim is “filled with patently false information.” The company go on to say that “we will vigorously defend ourselves through the appropriate legal channels.” Vigorously! That’s legal speak for “it’s on.”

    The suit claims that Blizzard’s Authenticators, the optional £8.99 security check available to account holders, constitutes a hidden cost. It’s also, the plaintiffs say, one that doesn't work as advertised, claiming that there have been multiple security breaches that have compromised the data of accounts.

   Blizzard’s statement leaves no doubt as to what they think of these accusations. “The suit’s claim that we didn't properly notify players regarding the August 2012 security breach is not true. Not only did Blizzard act quickly to provide information to the public about the situation, we explained the actions we were taking and let players know how the incident affected them, including the fact that no names, credit card numbers, or other sensitive financial information was disclosed.”

   They go on to argue that the lawsuit is misrepresenting the purpose of the authenticator to begin with. “The suit also claims that the Authenticator is required in order to maintain a minimal level of security on the player’s account information that’s stored on Blizzard’s network systems. This claim is also completely untrue and apparently based on a misunderstanding of the Authenticator’s purpose. The Authenticator is an optional tool that players can use to further protect their accounts in the event that their login credentials are compromised outside of Blizzard’s network infrastructure.”Buy RS/Runescape Gold

   They state that the Authenticator is only a check against a player losing their password through scams, viruses and dodgy websites. Coupled with the fact that the authenticator is an “an added inconvenience during the log in process,” Blizzard say that they chose to leave it as an optional step.

   To wade into the murky legal wrangling a second, while it’s true that the Authenticator is technically optional, it’s still a requirement for certain services, specifically Diablo 3′s Real-money Auction House. But while the plaintiff’s had the chance to shine a light on the practice, it seems to have instead dived head-first into the realm of “what, seriously?” One of the actions the suit is seeking is to remove from Blizzard’s non-MMO titles. Because that’s a thing that is going to happen.

Thanks, Game Informer

Tags: Admittedly I am not a lawyer, Blizzard, Diablo 3, World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria  acheté des kamas     buy or sell GW2 gold

Monday, January 7, 2013

Diablo 3 hunting Majin strafing skills main Build share.

    The current version difficult mines tied hammer, the low difficulty electric ball multiple should be the number of people with the most.

   But in the long strange brush, a build inevitably boring. Share under my build, interested students can try.

, Left: strafing
The low difficulty logging and Glyph only one option: grenade blasting.
First, only the Glyph Aoe effect;
Glyph damage is too low.
Glyph of ballistic rebound in the ground, encounter strange trigger the explosion.

So with a bit tips:
1, the blame when concentrated in the side, very easy to use.
2, a group of strange concentration of the same direction, and head when rushing well.
Ineffective when the general:
1, blame around, but relatively dispersed.
2, strange and counter-direction to escape.
So, use the Glyph time, tumbling to a good location, can avoid wasting injury, increase output.

Second, right
Leviathan hands The sword.
In addition a secondary attack skills, debugging the highest number of. First with arrows biotite hide the advantages of automatic tracking, worry and effort. The drawback is that the CD is still a little long, if you only used to fight the elite, it will waste a lot of CD. If the CD to use, the playing elite when there might not be able to use. Then use the blade flying blade dance.

The high skill damage, to playing elite when really easy to use, but a limited place, which is consumed with hate skills used it a bit of a waste skills, with more than they can not guarantee the hatred smooth, after all, strafing sorely lacking is hatred.

Finally, I chose the Leviathan hands The sword.
1, there exists a long time. Put a 120 seconds have more peace of mind.
2, first put the power of the Shadow recapture the hands The sword  even if Shadow the end, the hands The sword can still trigger vampire.
Very suitable for strafing pass.

I mentioned above, to play a strafing the power of a good way is to heap blame tumbling, very suitable for this style of play the hands of The sword lose trigger injury. The panel 20Wdps can have 6-7 million in damage, and 15% of the damage of the blood-sucking is triggered.
Only to make up for the slow disadvantage of the strafing output frequency can enhance Reply capacity. (1)