Friday, November 30, 2012

Demon Hunter argumentation of point control, line control stun

Example 1:

1. Mage in purgatory difficulty using Frost Nova to freeze three seconds of the elite monster, the monster is frozen three seconds later gained control of 30% of the scenes of resistance per second (10%, for 3 seconds = 30% control scenes resistance).

2. Frozen over, a witch doctor to cast fear Spirit caused four seconds fear of the monster. The monsters have 30% of the resistance to the situation under control, so the fear lasted only 2.8 seconds. (3 seconds * 70% control the scene effect = 2.8 seconds).

Monsters now have the situation under control resistance of 58% (30% from the previous frozen, 28% comes from the fear of 2.8 seconds).

3. 5.8 seconds (frozen + fear duration), the monster is no longer under control, and within five seconds, nothing happened. Here, the monster has lost 50% of the resistance to the situation under control, only 8% of the control scenes resistant (58% - 50% = 8% of control scenes resistant).

4. A monks used dazzling SG 3 seconds causing blindness. The monster is blinding 2.7 seconds (8% of control scenes resistant 3 seconds), and now you have 35% control scenes resistant.

Example 2:

1. Monks Nightmare an enemy using Doom Rune seven flash Demons, causing the other many 7 second stun.

2. Starting from the first strike vertigo for 7 seconds, the monster get 70% of the resistance to the situation under control.

3. Second strike also successful vertigo monsters, and 0.4 seconds after the first strike triggered. 70% of the control scenes resistance is reduced to 50%, the game Nightmare, nightmare difficulty of the situation under control resistance up to 50% - which is 3.5 seconds.

After the entry into force of the 3.5 seconds of vertigo, more than the total length of time of 7 seconds. New dizziness vertigo time than the present to be short, so there is no additional resistance to an increase of the situation under control. The second effect is dizziness completely invalid.

Case 3:

1. The four monks team tries halo kill elite mob in purgatory difficulty unlimited. They all use the Light Rune dazzling SG introspection that is blinding the enemy for 4 seconds.

2. The first monks to use a dazzling SG 4 seconds causing blindness monster get 40% of the resistance to the situation under control.

3. The second monks dazzling SG, but launched immediately after the end of the first effect, this time only for 2.4 seconds and increased control the scenes resistant to 64%.

4. Twice a blinding 6.4 seconds after the end of the third monks immediately launched a dazzling SG, lasts only 1.44 seconds, and resistance to 78.4% increase in the control of the scene of the monster.

5. So is 7.84 seconds, the fourth monks shot. Her to use a dazzling SG, although the control of this monster scenes resistance is 78.4%, but 65% maximum resistance in purgatory difficulty.

Only 4 seconds blinding force for 1.4 seconds, and an additional 14% increase in the resistance to the situation under control, to 92.4% (of course, the resistance ceiling is still 65%, but 92.4% still being recorded in the resistance).

6. Poor monster vertigo 9.24 seconds, the monks dazzling SG cooling.

7. Next dazzling SG in the first monks used skills 15 seconds after the start, but now only 9.24 seconds later, then the team needs to wait 5.76 seconds to launch another vertigo. During this period, the monster has lost 57.6% of control scenes resistance, and the remaining 34.8%.

8. The first monks immediately use in cooling after a dazzling SG 4 seconds blinding because 34.8% of the resistance is reduced to 2.61 seconds, the monster resistance was improved from 26.1 to 60.9%.

Example 4:

Case 1:

Player 1 used 1 second stun technology lasted one second, the monster has a 10% resistance to the situation under control.

Player 2 used 6 second stun technology for 5.4 seconds, the monster has a 64% resistance to the situation under control.

Case 2:

The player 1 used 6 seconds vertigo technology, for 6 seconds. The monsters now has a 60% resistance to the situation under control.

Playe 2 used 1 second stun technology for 0.4 seconds. The monsters now has a 64% resistance to the situation under control.

Case 1 and Case 2 indicates that this system allows a player can ignore the cast and in order to control the scene skills are 6.4 seconds duration in both cases.

On this basis, I select three road near infinite halo.

Quiver + crossbow gun: the infinite heap IAS, ax hammer Thunderball, unlimited halo inquiry.

New and old Inna's set: crossbow gun + Quiver, burst rate + attack speed, elemental Thunder vector explore infinite halo.

The 3 Bow / Crossbow guns + Quiver: unlimited IAS Cluster Arrow shock, unlimited halo inquiry.

The following elaborate details:

Ax hammer Thunderball

DH ax hammer Thunderball Rune: one second delay after the explosion, and a 35% chance to trigger a 1.5 second stun.

The limit resistance method calculation: 1.5 * (1-65%) = 0.525S true vertigo Time.


Crossbow gun + quiver ultimate attack speed 3.65 Demon Hunter 3.65 * 0.525 = 1.916 ≈ 2 cooling time shot even control the probability of the cooling time of the number of 1-65% * 65% = 57.75% (slightly higher than the chances of flipping a coin).


The crossbow gun + quiver ultimate attack speed 3.65 Demon Hunter, equipment dizziness 5%, freeze 5% cooling shots still 2,1-55% * 55% = 69.75% cooling time continuous control probability.

Actual should be 70%, freezing time is 3 seconds, the real freeze time is 3 * 0.35 = 1.05s but the freeze probability of 5% is too small, and not into the sample statistics.

Modeling 3

Quiver + crossbow gun attack speed of 3.65 DH, abnormal equipment, belt 5% freeze, necklaces 5% freeze.

To freeze real attack speed 3.65 * 1.05 = 3.83 by continuous real freeze rate of 1-0.9 3.83 power = 32%, the real freeze vertigo abnormal rate calculation method.

0.525 seconds off the control rate of 1 - (1-57.75%) (1-32%) = 71.14%

2 elements Thunder vector, unlimited halo inquiry

First, the equipment configuration

Old Inna's set: crossbow, clothes, shoes, head: critical chance Twilight or security head, Inna's pants, and other the position attack speed and critical chance;

New Inna's: crossbow, clothes, shoes, head: the crit Twilight or security head, Inna's pants, and other location-attack speed and critical chance.

Second, build design

Passive: Archery Specialization, vengeful, dark night lurking. Initiative: 1 cavort 2 wings 3 bat 4 poised punishment for Left-ax hammer, right elements Thunderball.

The ultimate resistance calculated 1.5 * (1-65%) = 0.525S true vertigo Time.


Crossbow Gun + the Quiver limit attack speed 3.65,3.65 * & SD stood at 0.525 = 1.916 ≈ 2 cooling time shots. critical chance, Inna's set 10 +10 +10 +10 +18 +8 +2 +5 = 73%

The rate of cooling time vertigo 1-27% * 27 = 92.71% skills hatred consume 10 per second consumes 3.65 * 10 = 36.5 hatred, opened bats per second to restore the set to 9.5 per second, the actual consumption of 27 hate.

Open vengeful to 150 full of hatred, 150/27 = 5.6 seconds to exhaust, Discipline (In fact, the old Inna's set without an upper limit has little) 40 caps.

Passive Night latent, active disciplinary to 25 Discipline = 150 points hatred. Actual chance of returning to the point = 3 * 5.6 +5.6 * 3.65 * 92.71% = 18.95 +16.8 = 35.75 Discipline replies overflow.


Crossbow gun + the quiver D limit Gongsu 3.65,3.65 * & SD stood at 0.525 = 1.916 ≈ 2 cooling time shots. Burst rate, new Inna's set 10 +10 +10 +10 +18 +14 +2 +5 = 79%

Cooling time vertigo 1-21% * 21% = 95.59% skill hatred consumes 10 per second, consumed 3.65 * 10 = 36.5 hatred, opened bats per second to restore the set to 9.5 per second, the actual consumption of 27 hate.

Open vengeful calculation of 150/27 = 5.6 seconds to 150 full of hatred to exhaust. Calculation (Natalya carcass off the precepts of the upper limit of 80 caps + Natalya hug + Quiver +4 pieces calculated to prove if the burst rate up to hold the upper limit is not required).

Passive Night latent, active discipline, the 25 commandments = 150 points hatred. Actual precepts Replies point = 1 * 5.6 +5.6 * 3.65 * 95.59% = 5.6 +19.54 = 25.14 precepts overflow.

The above is a real probability, we saw may be a bit dizzy, enter the following values ??related, truly seamless, to calculate the expected time each arrow halo rather than absolute probability.

The above calculation is the absolute probability. As long as the probability of a single halo is not 100%, 0.5 seconds the number of attacks more can not be perfect infinite halo, only infinitely close to 1. The normal calculation should calculate the expected value.

0.525 seconds * burst rate * reactive speed> = 1, because of the infinite halo, but perfect halo to 1.2 would be sufficient. Calculations, in fact, the requirement is critical chance * attack speed> = 2.

Old Inna's set critical chance limit spend 2/.73 = 2.75 attack speed enough new Inna's set critical chance2/.79 = 2.53, if my calculations, Method 2 elements Thunder unlimited halo !

Method 1 ax hammer the Thunderbolt and Method 3 cluster Arrow vertigo sword impossible seamless, ax hammer has nothing to do with the critical chance, only to attack speed, ax hammer is a probability of 35% of dizziness, 0.525 * attack speed * 0.35> 1, the attack speed> 5.44.

I see DH limit IAS 3.65, I am afraid this high even if there are not many.

Method 3: Cluster Arrow 55% vertigo 2 seconds digital tempting, let us look: 0.7 * attack speed * 55%> 1, the attack speed of greater than 2.6.

so, two weapons can select the: crossbow gun and bow, and consider hate precepts problem.

must take the initiative to build skills: bats, punishment, cluster arrows. the build essential passive skills vengeful, dark night, bombardier.

Default equipped with a-5 Quiver -4, Jordan, Mara will not consider that, because I have not seen a more practical, equip a total of -9, with the skills bombardier total -19.

Practical skills consume 50-19 = 31, set to open bats seconds back to 9.5 hate, consumed per second hate 2.6 * 31-9.5 = 71.1,

Consume 150 hate 150/71.1 = 2.1S 2.1 seconds the 25 commandments = 150 hate. Recognized the old Inna's set, seconds back 3,25-2.1 seconds * 3 = 18.7 Night burst back to default every time is 3:00 Discipline.

18.7-6.3 = 12.4, Discipline disappears every two seconds 12.5 default 50 caps Discipline, 8 seconds, hatred Discipline completely empty.

The remaining results ...... 8 seconds, 8 seconds can not seckill non-reflective damage monster invincible monster can only wait for death.

Thunder Arrow measured:

Presumably immediately there will be a realistic flow, the actual flow of players will be impossible to achieve, in fact, your critical chance and attack speed equipment.

Virtually impossible, DH Why do auxiliary, which have to spend much money? Heap panel have, what, a station playing 10PP no brains brush BOSS to force?

This is the team I brush boss with panel passive Specialization, Night, perfect.


DH is the perfect single control, LZ brush before 9:40 last night 6 device. Combat steps: 1, open the bat, right-click, 3, every 5.6 seconds a punishment, it should not finger it should not ...

The first group

Manzi brush and a 150K above 8PP, and soon probably from the the buff to 3boss25 minutes. I completely discard the output, kill the boss can only rely on the barbarians.

Thunder storm really hit the trigger, this is correct, LZ precepts is not quite enough, the upper limit of 37, sometimes off hatred. But with the ax hammer 3 under, there hatred on the back, the whole can.

The second group

Manzi brushes and 150K Manzi 8PP 2 drag 1, with a 110K device. From buff to the end of 28 minutes. This I was more comfortable, there would not be any strange string come to interfere with my point of control.

A strange entirely to me, I pulled to the side of the point control except Kule cool, all others under control Skeleton King waving a hammer to make that move does not come out.

Because my high attack speed, with the ax hammer is the revenue would not have said, as the Thunder hate constantly, vertigo will not be broken.


Ice-law status can not shake the pass to kill all the the point control surface control.

DOT open wings vampire slower, I chose a few garbage IAS crit equipment.


The abuse from disaster, gloves, necklaces, a ring, serving the United States spent a total of 20 million Diablo 3 gold, which the child spent 15 million disaster auction, 1099 perforated and white.

To other crit Lacuni Dead quiver, I think most of the DH are now standard, and I sell Meng said you do not, you can ignore me ...

Injury in fact, you can also go up, not weapons, 3 attack position is the main attribute twelve millions of small items.

If you continue to invest in the lack of injury does not appear, occasionally interrupt controller, open wings can also be immediately sucked back. Compared to the level of high-end Frost Mage hundreds of millions of investment, 20 million D3 gold also much cheaper.

Thunder trigger factor of 0.5, there will certainly be experts God questioned. Of course, I also tested indeed crit hit trigger dizziness, default the trigger factor 1.

In addition, I also did not give up, looked under the skills introduced. See description, he did not say "when crit have chance" but directly said "when crit" So I think without calculation coefficient.

1.06 before, rest assured that the use of bold, even if 1.06 is not likely to change the trajectory of the Thunder is not very good.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

31 tips comprehensive analytic DNF

1, see detailed skills briefly, such as 100% +100 physical attack power class big guns of choice forces.

2, most of the skills are presented 5000%, the part of individual skills% 3000 +16000 Rubing knot division select magic attack card.

3, Asura percentage + Solid hurt select intelligence selected, based on their own skills solid injury and the percentage ratio of the power or magic attack.

4, part of the job requires the whole property enhancement, such as Asura Summoner.

5, according to their strength and select Properties strengthen, such as very cheap dark attributes Pharmacy and Orb.

6, part mad war this physics class eat crit medicine crit medicine and dark attribute Pharmacy CD conflict "is even more should select the independent.

7, relatively small fixed damage skills class QP should choose physical mobile evade.

8, attributes strengthen than independent hurt a little higher, but some monster attribute Resistance high, while independent not attribute Resistance.

9, fixed damage Partial most skills class weapons highest intensity to 10 is sufficient, there is no necessary bloody Kelly.

10, percentage of the class should be more to collect high-strength weapons instead of their own to strengthen.

11, figure out their class characteristics suitable to wear their own equipment.

12, such as mad war, cat teeth and bleeding injury bracelets have not the same level of false purple.

13, the pink loaded merits, the ancient 2 properties with who knows.

14, according to their own class choices corresponding equipment, such as machinery the Elwynn ring and black pearl is essential.

15, Do not always heap a property, as it will only be counterproductive, such as the the mad war strength heap to 2000, the speed of hit rate is not higher than others.

16, dress attributes, such as Soul Calibur, skills do not need to release, is instantaneous, it should be appropriate to select MP recovery forces, such as Devil May Cry if you need to move, defense, avoidance, intelligence, release, attack speed.

17, magic career Shoulders belt shoes should choose a magic critical hit.

18, Do not blindly extreme pursuit of damage.

19, festive sets and the sky for brush map sets only subtle differences a little.

20, Do not brush blind abyss, because the system will not be paid to you every day for a few pink SS, from time to time send you two, if you adhere to the brush five times the abyss every 10 days, then I believe you explosive stuff will make you satisfied.

21, synthetic the sky sets of a site less than 4 times no decisive change a part of synthesis and so on.

22, pet is good, but the addition of only a power of 120 agents as simple equipment fashion up and then consider pets.

23, strengthen the equipment must have two of the same value of the attack force weapons.

24, high strength, no equipment is not .

25, Shadowless Sword value fact, there is no value BM invitations went to try his luck.

26, blood ring is certainly good, but the price is really too expensive .... After 50 south and into the abyss of the soul enchant SS Ring.

27, PKC in the gap is very large indeed, to 8 to 10 above example, you are a Devil May Cry, civilians also 70K ~ 100K of blood, carcass poking a mad war 2 sets away your basic.

28, Only suitable for the richest 26; optical properties strengthen.

29, destruction fusion is only suitable for rich, remember!

30, civilians ideal for brush ordinary and adventure ghost train, BM is also very good ....

3, doing wild boar sets of fact, also there is no ancient 2 years of it, the basis than any are important, such as red-eye reckless God angry big jump 3 + big jump, the number of attacks bracelet + BM Ring + Tu stamp + deep sea sub + festival sets = challenge any pressure reckless pants shoes can do out of the ring.

Monday, November 26, 2012

"Guild Wars 2" fog of debris each miniature copy Series Raiders

1. Swamp

You need to transport three balls into three columns above, and then open the door of the front line.

Swampland middle of a boss do not need to play. Three people directly handling the ball. Beware of underground Trap.

Can walk the area before the ball after the start of part of the blockade, the attention to this point. You need to detour.

Focus, Fig small map, I was on this tree can come in directly on the tree. Not fear Grove blocked.

2. Unlock the big bald seal

With a hammer to kill the monster can get energy, which can then be used to break the seal 4 skills.

Where a hammer can not hold for a long time, otherwise it would be a special condition superimposed holders death. Basically 30 layers substitutions took.

Comparison should pay attention to the plank road, first to go may go on next to the outlet to blow off accidentally. . .

The boss battle is quite simple, beat him out a hammer hit a certain point, then, in accordance with the previous method, killed the monster hit seal, repeated four times can be.

3. Castles in the air

The beginning is the way to jump through a non-stop electro-optic decline of stairs, turn off the switch, you'll see a robot in a room, the room is filled with poison gas.

Open play, the room will be shut down at the front of the console control fan near the ground that is battery.

Assign a person to pick up the battery to both sides of the two outer console charging through the center console to turn on the fan, so poison is gone. Maintain such soon destroyed robot.

The final boss with four Viking. 1 and 2 of the difficulty is to kick down the Viking gone. I do not know how. Later Doraemon is very easy to play, only perhaps later to pay attention to is to give players the debuff, with the same type of debuff stand together.

4. Goblin Factory

Door after a two-pronged, all the way to the next along the way, each with its own organs, while standing authority site will open. Round came to a large room, where both sides have their own authorities the same time, it was standing on top of the center console can be operated after people to protect the open console, do not let the attacks (attacks that interrupted) Open the door all the way forward, came to the door, cleaned elite monsters take the bomb doors, then the monster will continue to brush, but very relaxed.

Fried door boss, the batterer is quite painful, painful move out of the mobs beating.

After which on the face of the final boss. boss although see two, a robot is an ice giant, but the same style of play.

Start when the boss came to the molten steel beneath the high-stage organ poured down, boss will have 30 seconds to become tender, and then repeatedly between the two high-profile kite pouring molten steel.

5. Ascalon destruction

No screenshot, although the first time I played very tangled, but played a later discovered to be very simple. . .    gw2 gold

You play Charles attacked Ascalon, the resurrection of the soldiers around you, and then came to the door all the way forward along the right, after the monster cleaned around crown monster with long-range weapons destroyed, and then knock down the front of her instrument after tear down the door. If you want to get rid of the door above the fire drums melee please.

6. Icewind Dale

No shots, because it is simple.

Standing still will freeze to death! Really a good place. . . All you have to do is pick up the torch on the ground, and while there's a bonfire lit every heating, and then move on.

Reached a camp, you will need to face a huge boss.

[A tent in front of the fire has] the boss releases blizzard so visibility was reduced, assigned two people holding torches specialized ignition, remember that the fire in a tent in front of (take a look at the small map), holding the torch in front fire press a stamp on the line.

Finish this later, cold disappears, you do not have to carry the torch. After the boss is a good deal, attention to playing on both sides of the ice wall to escape in order to create space for the heaven ice picks.

7. Cthulhu Advent

The second difficulty will eventually become a copy of this.

In the words of a twisted space, which made clear is the false gods come to earth. . . Fought all the way and even can skip the small monster, came to the boss at the platform.

The first stage boss only two tentacles will spit a little monster, little monster killed will have to drop something called reflective crystal], holding it to resist the attacks of the boss evil eye, your head before being attacked mark will appear on the note is very simple. Eliminate tentacle boss health bar will drop.  guild wars 2 gold

The second phase of Cthulhu there will be a lot of tentacles will not spit mobs reflective crystal tentacles will drop later killed. Remaining exactly a stage play, has been hit the boss gone gone. (I thought the end of to Makeovers.

Achievement, there will be a brand of reward, but reward the number I do not know exactly how seemingly teammates and I get different. . .

Sunday, November 25, 2012

"Guild Wars 2" no treatment class, changing battlefield positioning

"Guild Wars 2" game is not special treatment class Correspondingly, each class has its own exclusive treatment skills, and bid farewell to the traditional human shields, treatment and output mix instead become each class are able to bear the vacant position on the battlefield, mage or warrior, can become the output, or take damage.  guild wars 2 gold

Has been able to achieve flexible conversion functions of each class in the battle, "Guild Wars 2" has substantial skills with all the skills are not fixed, but can with the weapons, equipment, and select different generic skills to match, to adapt different combat environment.

In other words, in "Guild Wars 2", you will not encounter a particularly sought-after class, or they can not find a particular class and waiting eagerly for everyone to become the core of battlefield!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Change your view of the battle, to restore the true sense of battle

"Guild Wars 2" semi-lock mode of operation combined with a high degree of freedom of the athletic games and combating flu, while avoiding the difficult sight class non-locking mode, can be said to be the most fit players accustomed to the operation and restore the true sense of the battle battle mode, fighting to focus more on skills and go places. Even in PVE, tumbling skills to escape the monster has become a very important issue.

Removable cast fighting constantly walk

"Guild Wars 2", most of the skills are in the running cast your casting read the article how long can walk side side cast. The degree of freedom has always been decisive factors affect combat experience, and "Guild Wars 2" in the degrees of freedom of the fighting has been reached smoothly and as the realm of the arbitrary. Street a stone, a stick or a wrench in the toolbox, you can become your weapon. Each weapon, not the strict sense should be tools, has its corresponding attacks and skills, there is no strict limit hunters only with bows and arrows, Master only with Staff.

Jump and dodge skills fighting more realistic

Combat environment and the operation is fully liberalized, tumbling, jumping, mobile post moves, all the necessary means to escape the skills, but does not affect your casting. Double-click the arrow keys twice rolling in that direction a short distance, not only can be used to dodge spells, can also be opened or shorten the distance between each other. Underwater battle is more unique position to compete, attack moves are completely different and onshore.

Team battle skills with key

"Guild Wars 2" skill system is very easy to learn. Your basic skills from the weapons you use, then you can attack from a lot of skills, treatment skills, vocational skills and devastating elite skill, chosen arbitrarily, free combination.

"Guild Wars 2" class expertise in fighting, without exception. Because each class are versatile and have a wide variety of skills and abilities, and the mix of each class in the battlefield becomes irrelevant.

You can also team up with other players with the combination of the batter skills, these skills are often hurt amazing, the fight against the enemy effect is particularly evident, for example, shot arrows through the firewall after the Firebolt, or through the dark field, to become a life stealing arrows.

Overall, Guild Wars 2 combat system infinitely close to the real world, so that players can really feel the ultimate battle experience.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

The fighting everywhere, "Guild Wars 2" underwater battle mode detail

The underwater world for Tyria explorers, is full of magic and unknown region, many explorers fascinating adventure Holy Land. "Guild Wars 2" underwater world is different from other similar games canceled very much limited to fully expand the freedom of adventure. For example, in the underwater world of Guild Wars 2 "and not breathing strips roles including freedom to roam, no need for ventilation and surface.

"Guild Wars 2" underwater battle mode also another way to create something new. When the role is floating on the water, fast forward fast swimming, just as much as a swimmer. Descend to the underwater movement speed is decreased, and the weapons will automatically switch to the underwater weapons, thanks to "Guild Wars 2" unique weapon skill system, underwater skills with the weapons handover automatically changing.

More exciting battle in the water, water monsters also have their own characteristics, explorers harvest Unlike land battle experience, still needs its own operations as well as his skills to settle down, after all, the underwater world is more crisis-ridden, and not a hint of slack.

To switch into the water, not just weapons, helmets will be switched automatically. Underwater after entering, the role will be automatically replaced by scuba, will change the role of the corresponding attribute.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"Guild Wars 2" Quake Mjolnir production methods

"Guild Wars 2" Quake Mjolnir production methods, Mjolnir is the hammer with both hands. Weapons and the main use of the mysterious fusion synthesis, one of the the accessories needed inventors skills to 400 in order to produce.

Weapons and materials:

An Eldritch Scroll (50 skill points)

A Gift of Light

100 Mystic coin

250 Charger Lodestone

Accessories Gift of Light materials:

orichalcum ingot 250 (500 O Mine)

Charger Lodestone 100

Gift of Ascalon 1 Ge (500 copies of currency exchange)

Cured the Hardened Leather Square 250 (T6 Paper 500)

To make weapons must have 350 Charger Lodestone, the current market price of about 2 GW2 gold, 30 silver and 350 needs about 805 Guild Wars 2 gold cost is really a high price weapons.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Comprehensive Quest "Guild Wars 2" dual-mode Dungeons system

Tyria world is extremely dangerous in many places, even the most experienced, best-equipped team dare not enter, it is the underground city, these underground city are displayed in the form of different styles Tyria adventure who's in front.

"Guild Wars 2" Dungeons are designed for wealthy explorers of the spirit of adventure, design, Dungeons large, a private adventure regional only high-grade team dare challenge. Dungeons the dangerous abnormal, but for those who dare to brave challenges of Tyria mainland Dungeons generous returns so that everything becomes worth.

Each Dungeons are divided into story mode and exploration mode. The story mode has a gripping plot terrorist enemies. In the exploration mode, Tyria explorers who can come into contact with more challenging content, more diverse objectives and obstacles.

When you first explore the underground city, you will experience the story mode, the focus is to experience the story plot organization - the fate of the legendary hero Blade adventure epic. For example, in the Twilight of the tree underground city, your team and the famous Hill Warri thieves Casey work together against the evil of the Hill Warri nightmare atrium organizations.

The events in the story mode will lead to new challenges in the exploration mode generation, while also greatly increase the difficulty of these challenges, more stringent test team. If your team successfully completed the the Dungeons story mode will unlock exploration mode. From the three routes, you can choose your own route, a choice will have a distinct Dungeons, new area, new challenges and more terrifying monster.

"Dungeons Guild Wars 2" is not just an ordinary Dungeons, because she will be the dynamic event system into the underground city. Dungeons will happen in the story mode and exploration mode dynamic events, these events will be triggered because of the player's choice, or other factors. Explorers discover, in the same Dungeons choose the same option will because these random trigger the dynamic events and get a completely different gaming experience.

Those who dare to challenge the Guild Wars 2 Dungeons team will face enormous risks, but the rewards(Guild Wars 2 gold) are also huge. Each Dungeons has a unique weapons and equipment. Such as those obtained from the haunted tomb of Ascalon armor, will and armor sorrow owned underground city, and also different from the test Dix manor found equipment.

"Guild Wars 2" Dungeons give those organized team of explorers brought the epic challenges, so that they can more deeply explore Tyria secret.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

November 15 new content in Guild Wars 2 - Necromancer

Reaper's Touch: This skill applies 4 stacks of vulnerability per hit instead of 3.

Mark of Blood: This skill now uses the standard staff scythe cast effects.

Spectral Wall: This skill now applies its recharge at the correct time instead of both during and after casting.

The Soul Reaping trait line now properly increases maximum Life Force.

Ghastly Claws: This skill's damage has been increased by 10% and updated to indicate the correct life force gained.

Soul Marks and Mark of Revival: These traits now work together to grant 3% life force to players when triggered.

Death Nova: This skill now properly activates when using Taste of Death and Putrid Explosion. The internal cooldown has been removed. This skill's field duration is now 4 seconds, and the rate it pulses has been increased to every 2 seconds. Its poison duration is 5 seconds per pulse.

Death Shroud: Moa Morph now removes Death Shroud from the target instead of the necromancer being stuck in Death Shroud and using their entire bar while in the transform.

Deadly Catch: This skill now pulls enemies to the necromancer in a reliable fashion.

Dark Path: This skill now applies it recharge at the correct time instead of both during and after casting.

Spinal Shivers: This skill's casting effects and audio are now consistent with or without the Spiteful Talisman trait.

Summon Blood Fiend: The Blood Fiend's survivability has been increased, and its attack now heals the necromancer for 200% of its previous heal.

Spectral Walk: This skill now sets its underwater slot appropriately on recharge.

Weakening Shroud: This trait now functions underwater.

Mark of Evasion: This trait is no longer a blast finisher when the mark is created.

Plague Blast: This skill's casting time has been reduced.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

DNF guardian altar teaching: plus point recommendation

Emphasize: This article is written for the novice reference.

1. Initial stage

First pass, the beginning of time, the monster blood thin, the ability to attack is not strong, mainly by starting Male mermaid as the main output, regardless of how the situation, the initial priority point this.

Followed by basic attacks, point 1, because a point can be a third under attack knockdown effect, the basic is xxx knocked down, and then take a step back, re-xxx, circulation, because the first pass is a simple mode monster Flee are very low, so the basic pace can prevent ordinary monster.

Furthermore, adding that the skills of their own blood, the skills according to their own needs, my normal mode of clearance Basic will not be playing, so I did not add difficulty mode I fill up.

In addition, the call of the array blood, with their own blood, the ability to reject the enemy away, will not mind the summon array blood. The buildings do not add it too wasted points. And then fill up the sine wave palm. Wait until the Blue Shadow Masaccio Masaccio point, Masaccio this is really good.

2. Advanced stage

Figure, Male mermaid in the future will become intolerant to play, hit a few dead monster miss rate itself is playing, monster aggression to summon array.

To sum up: the change direction and play a plus point, can no longer rely Male mermaid, wash again point first wash point to spend much money, send money jar enough to wash previous, Advanced priority point to full Masaccio, this shall be filled, shall be filled with their own blood, summon array, full sine wave palm still full, then full on leading gun to fill, added a basic attack or 1.

3. Final stage

Hard Mode Countdown two hurdles, continue to wash points, base attack, the sine wave palm full, the leading gun full full summon array, Mitrephora filet full mermaid magician full.

PS: Last 3 off plus points and play

Bottom third off:

Plus point is recommended:

Ke Leize comprehend, full

The basis of practice, full

The Goblin helicopters tower defense full

Blue Shadow Masaccio, full

Hyun wave palm, full

Summon the array, full

The leading turret defense full

Mermaid magician, 1

The remaining SP Point, other stun skills


Calls placed blue shadow and magic mermaid, skills rounding Armor defense to summon the energy bars to upgrade to 150, most of the people is the car down the monster in the first, after a cow rushed laowo front is seckilled , this time reflects when leading gun powerful monster, probably the leading bubble attack range when a the dazzle wave palm monster dizzy, and then look at your operation XXX monster is concentrated in a the leading gun attack within.

After the energy bars to summon Blue Shadow began to summon blue shadow people, do not rush the first rushed to the front of the monster lair probably eliminate a few strange group of blue shadow with about 4 Summon a magic mermaid to kill in front of the monster nest.

Focus: the third last Ngau Tau to appear when the course Blue Shadow continuing been summoned back to their own summon Zhenqian and hit the first wave of strange way these strange wave of car out to eliminate! People from time to time to a sine wave palm monster lair before, I do not think the last one off is difficult, the beginning felt strange the first wave of the third last a little depressed, to this first wave of monsters to operate, Lane does not may be good to be annihilated.

Penultimate Off:

Ke Leize comprehend, full

The basis of practice, full

The Goblin helicopters tower defense full

Mitrephora filet, full

Hyun wave palm, full

Summon the array, full

Goblin Archer tower, full

Mermaid magician, 2

The other will faint skills, random arrangements, can full the full


This is off the main techniques rely on the pre-upgrade energy operation, try to control the strange in Goblin Archer tower attack within, to exterminate Goblin helicopter tower defense also assisted attack, in order to summon Mitrephora Philippines force preparation, because Mitrephora filet 55-point energy, a little slow, the silver hook summon to about three summon a magic mermaid.

Then the man in the the monster lair obstacles before time to time halo strange, prevention Mitrephora filet monster kill monster ice magician appears as long as he can halo within dizzy, so Mitrephora filet timely Qingdiao monster magician.

Filet of the Mitrephora you up to a lot of quantity, the rest is just fine as long as you dizzy strange from time to time! To this depends mainly on the pre-operation, as well as computer configuration do not suck, the game will block or Mitrephora filet strokes multi.

Final figures mechanical cow:

Plus point:

Ke Leize comprehend, full

Foundation practice full the dazzle wave palm, full

The Goblin helicopters tower defense full

The leading turret defense full

Mitrephora filet, full

Summon the array, full

Mermaid magician, 2

The remaining SP Point, other stun skills


After the guns in summon array in front of the leading anti-waiting, do not rush mechanical cow before the king, such as energy bars, upgrade to 150, and continue to Summon Mitrephora filet, four strokes only magical mermaid, and then continue to continue Summon Mitrephora filet go with Mitrephora filet off the little monster, but do not be too close to the cattle king, otherwise the cattle king will launch a skill.

When the cattle king launched the aerial robot, as soon as possible to destroy even more attention to the monster blew this off the most important is the use of Mitrephora filet will enemy repulsed, of course, the operation to be careful, or else all bets are off !

The operation is very important! Will be a few more practice, and personal point of view for reference only, everyone's different style of play so add a little different!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Engineers to accelerate the release of the skill sequence analysis

The most common with accelerated nests should be the dragon this is correct, the high mobility of the 60 nests BOSS Zhan Zhuang output is difficult to achieve, and this post mainly to explain, with the order of the skills cast in stable the Zhan Zhuang conditions under Green Dragon.

Major acceleration points: Green Dragon 2,3,4,5 off, as well as the Dragon hind legs when accelerating.

Works which the main output skills?

Machinery: ping-pong, EEG, biochemical, chain saws, heavy duck, oversized duck

Heavy artillery: ping-pong, splash, biochemical, EEG, heavy duck

Did not get the ice tower and turret column, an injury has been HX become slag but less water resistant effect point after BUG (an update), one can only exist 12S and can only play four rounds.

The above skills under the accelerated practicality: Ping Pong (either mechanical or heavy artillery were accelerated under the main output of a skills short, CD, cast faster)

EEG (the Zhan Zhuang 1s slightly longer hurt ordinary)

Chain saws (3 chain saw the ultrahigh injury)

Splashing (the accelerated heavy artillery under the first output skills, instantaneous and hurt)

Duck (duck egg output is not high, but the high voltage output)

The turret (heavy artillery output)

Biochemical relief anti-attack (s).

The the oversized duck (the Zhan Zhuang 2s time is too long and the damage is not high)

So, to accelerate the release order under engineer skills:

The machinery: ping-pong chainsaws constantly, In biochemical and duck halfway complement EEG can put can hold.

Heavy artillery: the the ping pong splash constantly, Biochemical duck halfway complement the EEG can put can hold.

Finally, add a discussion about the biochemical:

Maximize the effect of options:

Accelerated before 6s did not complement the biochemical, ping-pong EEG skills gap added biochemical relief against the attack.

The fill that such accelerated end supplemented biochemical.

Actual Selection:

General probably unlikely someone will go to calculate the acceleration before 6s complement not complement the biochemical, wild the team small green 2,3-off is mostly 3X began to speed up (this time the various big move began outbreak), then fast-forward 3X when a biochemical.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Accessories science: the vertical stabilizer, gun control, ramming machine, ventilation options

1, the vertical stabilizer, gun control

Uniform movement in the size of the circle is a one-to-one correspondence with the speed

Expanding ring there are three kinds of reasons, moved, rotated, fired

The tailfins only affect the movement and rotation of the expansion ring

Vertical stabilizer to be very effective for the ring to become not so large

Moving in circles the size of one-to-one correspondence with the speed

Ring size, the unit is "degree"; shrinking circle speed, units of "degrees / sec."

Gun control only affects the speed of the shrinking circle, including the spin-down, and opened fire after shrinking circle

Vertical stabilizer and gun control will not affect the maximum precision

Pros and cons of options:

Need to move fire & fire after moving medium-sized, heavy-duty, priority vertical stabilizer, the gun does not work on Diacetal

The F Series clip car for the advantage of the short filling, usually Diacetal.

2, Ramming machines, ventilation

Ramming machine loading time reduced by 10%

Higher firing rate means that the stronger output capacity, more output opportunity greater threat

The reason why the 7.4 before the 110 powerful days mainly because powerful rate of fire

215b shooting speed will cut

Ventilation raise 5% of the crew of the basic skills proficiency

Basic skills, including three additional skills of the crew [functions] observation functions (such as the car long, gunner aiming functions) and repair fire-fighting camouflage]

Actual ability to follow the formula:

Ability coefficient = (0.00375x proficiency) / 0.875

The occupant proficiency 100%, 5% proficiency enhance the capacity of from about 2%

Ventilation minimal impact on the rate of fire

Simply increasing the rate of fire, and Priority mounted vertical stabilizer and gun control

Ventilation is a comprehensive upgrade of micro.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Guild Wars 2 eight craftsmen production skills Introduction

Guild Wars 2, a total of 8 different types of production skills, each character can choose two different production skills as a sideline. Of course, if you intend to learn from the first three kinds of production skills, you must give up before the two skills.

As a love of beauty and eating player, will have to choose tailoring and cooking.

As mentioned before, if you have to learn two professional skills, then you want to go to learn the first three kinds of expertise, skills trainer will prompt you must be a professional in order to learn to give up (really narrow professional academic).

More importantly, the players and will not have been produced before production skills before giving up and lost equipment. That is, if I give up a tailor professional change, jewelry professional before made beautiful clothes and equipment will also retain Cloth, and prior to the formulation of the Institute also will not be forgotten!

So in a sense, every role decathlon is possible, and I firmly believe that there will certainly be always such a smallholder obsessive-compulsive disorder patients all the production and life skills training full!

A brief list of what I learned production skills and items can be selected based on their career and preferences

Another point worth mentioning is that more than a tailor can do bag (this bag is the lattice space), career wear heavy armor and Leather blessed you simply skim sacks and select the production of iron box or leather LV to install your baby.

Armor: you can create heavy armor and bags (metal box)

Tailoring: making light armor Cloth and bags (certainly bag package!)

Leather: Making A and bags (leather bag!)

Fishing and hunting: making the bow, harpoon / gun, rifle, torches and war horn

Weapons: making a sword, ax, dagger, hammer, shield, spear (original shield considered weapons technology)

Technician: mainly produce magical weapons such as staves, mace and Trident

Jewelry: earrings, necklace and rings, the bunch of sparkling jewelry (I also want to learn this)

Cooking: Food dyes (used to give clothes stained)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

WOT crew skills human shields heavy firepower articles

Allocation of skill, I consider three factors:

1. Playtime and the number of tanks.

2. Vehicle type (vehicle classification according to the characteristics of the vehicle, is not a game for the vehicle category).

3. Wing or wild team.

To the above factors, I want to get the effect of core principles is less time to derive greater benefits.

Skills sequential principles:

Priority Advantage rather than make up short.

I also go through the stages of the Tiger Balm skills, but after playing familiar with, or need different models.

Heavy firepower of the first class of models: human shields (first shield, followed by the spear, the spear, the stronger the opposite dare to take hold, so you still shield).

Vehicle features: thick skin, blood and more single injury larger and loading time is longer.

A brief analysis of the models: fixed-point defense of human shields, straight strong push, human shields and strong push require time to live the human shields heavy fire in order to live a long repair skills is the most important kind of car does not require a lot of skill, The skill is sufficient difference between them in the wing or wild team is not very big.

The top typical representative: German series Tanzania, Germany Series Tanzania F series Tanzania F

My the conventional accessories: lined lose eggs and ventilation (accessories are not the focus of this discussion)

My occupant skills:

All crew skills Band of Brothers, Band of Brothers 5% at the same time acting on primitive skills, as well as repair of each occupant, concealment and fire fighting; second skills motormen veterans, other full practice repairs;

The third skill cars long Hawkeye, gunner artificial stability, smooth driving of the driver, loader skills priority ammunition structured, most drastic and the outbreak of the filling, the correspondent is situational awareness.

Skills detailed analysis:

Less time to get more revenue, the first skills Band of Brothers need its full 100% work until full, and the first skill does not need a long time for the crew of the original skills and skills plus percent.

The the second skill motormen veterans is because this type of vehicle occupant ,5-6, the effect of the veteran crew is more, the greater the benefit, in line with our core principles.

Other occupant skills as a human shield type heavy firepower, survival is more important than the output for repairs, repair is fundamental to improve the viability of, when you repair 1%, Band of Brothers to provide you with 5% bonus. If the order of these two skills practice anti, you need several times to enjoy the bonus, because repairs to learn and ready-to-use and Band of Brothers full Caixing, Band of Brothers can provide the addition not only for repairs.

The the third skill motormen Hawkeye, a shake-up that you can afford to, opposite the ammunition rack bad, hang loader you at a glance. The other occupant skills make sure you each gun can more accurately Gun damage.

Analysis of other skills:

Battlefield intuition why not enter the first three skills? Fact, I have some time battlefield intuition as Tiger Balm skills, but later discovered that really there is no one size fits all skills.

As a human shield type heavy firepower, slow inevitable, usually you are lit, the field team too late to withdraw wing you can not withdraw, so the skills as a fourth candidate skills.

Investigative skills of the effect +2% field of view, the field of view of 400 meters into 408 meters, generally high light reconnaissance vehicle, so you practice the investigation, first lit. To reconnaissance vehicles, the opposite of unusual types of vehicles hidden coefficient is generally higher than you, which is all about the same time bright.

So the skills but also after discharge. Contrary rounder priority.

Remaining crew skills focus of controversy is the fatal blow, what are the characteristics of human shields heavy firepower, in addition to the mouse, others are single injury, the long hours of the egg, give priority to ensuring the most important rounds you play hurt, you low speeds, but also aiming quasi ensure the injury, so there must be to improve the targeting of skills auxiliary, it helps the situation after you finished shooting speed adjustment position, you generally 3-4 guns will be able to solve the opponent, bad equipment dead The occupant of the task is given to the fast rate of fire vehicles.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Guild Wars 2 fans' hand-painted works Picks

Do you like hand-painted works? Well, I enjoy them very much, especially games. They are so creative!