Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Engineers to accelerate the release of the skill sequence analysis

The most common with accelerated nests should be the dragon this is correct, the high mobility of the 60 nests BOSS Zhan Zhuang output is difficult to achieve, and this post mainly to explain, with the order of the skills cast in stable the Zhan Zhuang conditions under Green Dragon.

Major acceleration points: Green Dragon 2,3,4,5 off, as well as the Dragon hind legs when accelerating.

Works which the main output skills?

Machinery: ping-pong, EEG, biochemical, chain saws, heavy duck, oversized duck

Heavy artillery: ping-pong, splash, biochemical, EEG, heavy duck

Did not get the ice tower and turret column, an injury has been HX become slag but less water resistant effect point after BUG (an update), one can only exist 12S and can only play four rounds.

The above skills under the accelerated practicality: Ping Pong (either mechanical or heavy artillery were accelerated under the main output of a skills short, CD, cast faster)

EEG (the Zhan Zhuang 1s slightly longer hurt ordinary)

Chain saws (3 chain saw the ultrahigh injury)

Splashing (the accelerated heavy artillery under the first output skills, instantaneous and hurt)

Duck (duck egg output is not high, but the high voltage output)

The turret (heavy artillery output)

Biochemical relief anti-attack (s).

The the oversized duck (the Zhan Zhuang 2s time is too long and the damage is not high)

So, to accelerate the release order under engineer skills:

The machinery: ping-pong chainsaws constantly, In biochemical and duck halfway complement EEG can put can hold.

Heavy artillery: the the ping pong splash constantly, Biochemical duck halfway complement the EEG can put can hold.

Finally, add a discussion about the biochemical:

Maximize the effect of options:

Accelerated before 6s did not complement the biochemical, ping-pong EEG skills gap added biochemical relief against the attack.

The fill that such accelerated end supplemented biochemical.

Actual Selection:

General probably unlikely someone will go to calculate the acceleration before 6s complement not complement the biochemical, wild the team small green 2,3-off is mostly 3X began to speed up (this time the various big move began outbreak), then fast-forward 3X when a biochemical.

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