Friday, November 30, 2012

Demon Hunter argumentation of point control, line control stun

Example 1:

1. Mage in purgatory difficulty using Frost Nova to freeze three seconds of the elite monster, the monster is frozen three seconds later gained control of 30% of the scenes of resistance per second (10%, for 3 seconds = 30% control scenes resistance).

2. Frozen over, a witch doctor to cast fear Spirit caused four seconds fear of the monster. The monsters have 30% of the resistance to the situation under control, so the fear lasted only 2.8 seconds. (3 seconds * 70% control the scene effect = 2.8 seconds).

Monsters now have the situation under control resistance of 58% (30% from the previous frozen, 28% comes from the fear of 2.8 seconds).

3. 5.8 seconds (frozen + fear duration), the monster is no longer under control, and within five seconds, nothing happened. Here, the monster has lost 50% of the resistance to the situation under control, only 8% of the control scenes resistant (58% - 50% = 8% of control scenes resistant).

4. A monks used dazzling SG 3 seconds causing blindness. The monster is blinding 2.7 seconds (8% of control scenes resistant 3 seconds), and now you have 35% control scenes resistant.

Example 2:

1. Monks Nightmare an enemy using Doom Rune seven flash Demons, causing the other many 7 second stun.

2. Starting from the first strike vertigo for 7 seconds, the monster get 70% of the resistance to the situation under control.

3. Second strike also successful vertigo monsters, and 0.4 seconds after the first strike triggered. 70% of the control scenes resistance is reduced to 50%, the game Nightmare, nightmare difficulty of the situation under control resistance up to 50% - which is 3.5 seconds.

After the entry into force of the 3.5 seconds of vertigo, more than the total length of time of 7 seconds. New dizziness vertigo time than the present to be short, so there is no additional resistance to an increase of the situation under control. The second effect is dizziness completely invalid.

Case 3:

1. The four monks team tries halo kill elite mob in purgatory difficulty unlimited. They all use the Light Rune dazzling SG introspection that is blinding the enemy for 4 seconds.

2. The first monks to use a dazzling SG 4 seconds causing blindness monster get 40% of the resistance to the situation under control.

3. The second monks dazzling SG, but launched immediately after the end of the first effect, this time only for 2.4 seconds and increased control the scenes resistant to 64%.

4. Twice a blinding 6.4 seconds after the end of the third monks immediately launched a dazzling SG, lasts only 1.44 seconds, and resistance to 78.4% increase in the control of the scene of the monster.

5. So is 7.84 seconds, the fourth monks shot. Her to use a dazzling SG, although the control of this monster scenes resistance is 78.4%, but 65% maximum resistance in purgatory difficulty.

Only 4 seconds blinding force for 1.4 seconds, and an additional 14% increase in the resistance to the situation under control, to 92.4% (of course, the resistance ceiling is still 65%, but 92.4% still being recorded in the resistance).

6. Poor monster vertigo 9.24 seconds, the monks dazzling SG cooling.

7. Next dazzling SG in the first monks used skills 15 seconds after the start, but now only 9.24 seconds later, then the team needs to wait 5.76 seconds to launch another vertigo. During this period, the monster has lost 57.6% of control scenes resistance, and the remaining 34.8%.

8. The first monks immediately use in cooling after a dazzling SG 4 seconds blinding because 34.8% of the resistance is reduced to 2.61 seconds, the monster resistance was improved from 26.1 to 60.9%.

Example 4:

Case 1:

Player 1 used 1 second stun technology lasted one second, the monster has a 10% resistance to the situation under control.

Player 2 used 6 second stun technology for 5.4 seconds, the monster has a 64% resistance to the situation under control.

Case 2:

The player 1 used 6 seconds vertigo technology, for 6 seconds. The monsters now has a 60% resistance to the situation under control.

Playe 2 used 1 second stun technology for 0.4 seconds. The monsters now has a 64% resistance to the situation under control.

Case 1 and Case 2 indicates that this system allows a player can ignore the cast and in order to control the scene skills are 6.4 seconds duration in both cases.

On this basis, I select three road near infinite halo.

Quiver + crossbow gun: the infinite heap IAS, ax hammer Thunderball, unlimited halo inquiry.

New and old Inna's set: crossbow gun + Quiver, burst rate + attack speed, elemental Thunder vector explore infinite halo.

The 3 Bow / Crossbow guns + Quiver: unlimited IAS Cluster Arrow shock, unlimited halo inquiry.

The following elaborate details:

Ax hammer Thunderball

DH ax hammer Thunderball Rune: one second delay after the explosion, and a 35% chance to trigger a 1.5 second stun.

The limit resistance method calculation: 1.5 * (1-65%) = 0.525S true vertigo Time.


Crossbow gun + quiver ultimate attack speed 3.65 Demon Hunter 3.65 * 0.525 = 1.916 ≈ 2 cooling time shot even control the probability of the cooling time of the number of 1-65% * 65% = 57.75% (slightly higher than the chances of flipping a coin).


The crossbow gun + quiver ultimate attack speed 3.65 Demon Hunter, equipment dizziness 5%, freeze 5% cooling shots still 2,1-55% * 55% = 69.75% cooling time continuous control probability.

Actual should be 70%, freezing time is 3 seconds, the real freeze time is 3 * 0.35 = 1.05s but the freeze probability of 5% is too small, and not into the sample statistics.

Modeling 3

Quiver + crossbow gun attack speed of 3.65 DH, abnormal equipment, belt 5% freeze, necklaces 5% freeze.

To freeze real attack speed 3.65 * 1.05 = 3.83 by continuous real freeze rate of 1-0.9 3.83 power = 32%, the real freeze vertigo abnormal rate calculation method.

0.525 seconds off the control rate of 1 - (1-57.75%) (1-32%) = 71.14%

2 elements Thunder vector, unlimited halo inquiry

First, the equipment configuration

Old Inna's set: crossbow, clothes, shoes, head: critical chance Twilight or security head, Inna's pants, and other the position attack speed and critical chance;

New Inna's: crossbow, clothes, shoes, head: the crit Twilight or security head, Inna's pants, and other location-attack speed and critical chance.

Second, build design

Passive: Archery Specialization, vengeful, dark night lurking. Initiative: 1 cavort 2 wings 3 bat 4 poised punishment for Left-ax hammer, right elements Thunderball.

The ultimate resistance calculated 1.5 * (1-65%) = 0.525S true vertigo Time.


Crossbow Gun + the Quiver limit attack speed 3.65,3.65 * & SD stood at 0.525 = 1.916 ≈ 2 cooling time shots. critical chance, Inna's set 10 +10 +10 +10 +18 +8 +2 +5 = 73%

The rate of cooling time vertigo 1-27% * 27 = 92.71% skills hatred consume 10 per second consumes 3.65 * 10 = 36.5 hatred, opened bats per second to restore the set to 9.5 per second, the actual consumption of 27 hate.

Open vengeful to 150 full of hatred, 150/27 = 5.6 seconds to exhaust, Discipline (In fact, the old Inna's set without an upper limit has little) 40 caps.

Passive Night latent, active disciplinary to 25 Discipline = 150 points hatred. Actual chance of returning to the point = 3 * 5.6 +5.6 * 3.65 * 92.71% = 18.95 +16.8 = 35.75 Discipline replies overflow.


Crossbow gun + the quiver D limit Gongsu 3.65,3.65 * & SD stood at 0.525 = 1.916 ≈ 2 cooling time shots. Burst rate, new Inna's set 10 +10 +10 +10 +18 +14 +2 +5 = 79%

Cooling time vertigo 1-21% * 21% = 95.59% skill hatred consumes 10 per second, consumed 3.65 * 10 = 36.5 hatred, opened bats per second to restore the set to 9.5 per second, the actual consumption of 27 hate.

Open vengeful calculation of 150/27 = 5.6 seconds to 150 full of hatred to exhaust. Calculation (Natalya carcass off the precepts of the upper limit of 80 caps + Natalya hug + Quiver +4 pieces calculated to prove if the burst rate up to hold the upper limit is not required).

Passive Night latent, active discipline, the 25 commandments = 150 points hatred. Actual precepts Replies point = 1 * 5.6 +5.6 * 3.65 * 95.59% = 5.6 +19.54 = 25.14 precepts overflow.

The above is a real probability, we saw may be a bit dizzy, enter the following values ??related, truly seamless, to calculate the expected time each arrow halo rather than absolute probability.

The above calculation is the absolute probability. As long as the probability of a single halo is not 100%, 0.5 seconds the number of attacks more can not be perfect infinite halo, only infinitely close to 1. The normal calculation should calculate the expected value.

0.525 seconds * burst rate * reactive speed> = 1, because of the infinite halo, but perfect halo to 1.2 would be sufficient. Calculations, in fact, the requirement is critical chance * attack speed> = 2.

Old Inna's set critical chance limit spend 2/.73 = 2.75 attack speed enough new Inna's set critical chance2/.79 = 2.53, if my calculations, Method 2 elements Thunder unlimited halo !

Method 1 ax hammer the Thunderbolt and Method 3 cluster Arrow vertigo sword impossible seamless, ax hammer has nothing to do with the critical chance, only to attack speed, ax hammer is a probability of 35% of dizziness, 0.525 * attack speed * 0.35> 1, the attack speed> 5.44.

I see DH limit IAS 3.65, I am afraid this high even if there are not many.

Method 3: Cluster Arrow 55% vertigo 2 seconds digital tempting, let us look: 0.7 * attack speed * 55%> 1, the attack speed of greater than 2.6.

so, two weapons can select the: crossbow gun and bow, and consider hate precepts problem.

must take the initiative to build skills: bats, punishment, cluster arrows. the build essential passive skills vengeful, dark night, bombardier.

Default equipped with a-5 Quiver -4, Jordan, Mara will not consider that, because I have not seen a more practical, equip a total of -9, with the skills bombardier total -19.

Practical skills consume 50-19 = 31, set to open bats seconds back to 9.5 hate, consumed per second hate 2.6 * 31-9.5 = 71.1,

Consume 150 hate 150/71.1 = 2.1S 2.1 seconds the 25 commandments = 150 hate. Recognized the old Inna's set, seconds back 3,25-2.1 seconds * 3 = 18.7 Night burst back to default every time is 3:00 Discipline.

18.7-6.3 = 12.4, Discipline disappears every two seconds 12.5 default 50 caps Discipline, 8 seconds, hatred Discipline completely empty.

The remaining results ...... 8 seconds, 8 seconds can not seckill non-reflective damage monster invincible monster can only wait for death.

Thunder Arrow measured:

Presumably immediately there will be a realistic flow, the actual flow of players will be impossible to achieve, in fact, your critical chance and attack speed equipment.

Virtually impossible, DH Why do auxiliary, which have to spend much money? Heap panel have, what, a station playing 10PP no brains brush BOSS to force?

This is the team I brush boss with panel passive Specialization, Night, perfect.


DH is the perfect single control, LZ brush before 9:40 last night 6 device. Combat steps: 1, open the bat, right-click, 3, every 5.6 seconds a punishment, it should not finger it should not ...

The first group

Manzi brush and a 150K above 8PP, and soon probably from the the buff to 3boss25 minutes. I completely discard the output, kill the boss can only rely on the barbarians.

Thunder storm really hit the trigger, this is correct, LZ precepts is not quite enough, the upper limit of 37, sometimes off hatred. But with the ax hammer 3 under, there hatred on the back, the whole can.

The second group

Manzi brushes and 150K Manzi 8PP 2 drag 1, with a 110K device. From buff to the end of 28 minutes. This I was more comfortable, there would not be any strange string come to interfere with my point of control.

A strange entirely to me, I pulled to the side of the point control except Kule cool, all others under control Skeleton King waving a hammer to make that move does not come out.

Because my high attack speed, with the ax hammer is the revenue would not have said, as the Thunder hate constantly, vertigo will not be broken.


Ice-law status can not shake the pass to kill all the the point control surface control.

DOT open wings vampire slower, I chose a few garbage IAS crit equipment.


The abuse from disaster, gloves, necklaces, a ring, serving the United States spent a total of 20 million Diablo 3 gold, which the child spent 15 million disaster auction, 1099 perforated and white.

To other crit Lacuni Dead quiver, I think most of the DH are now standard, and I sell Meng said you do not, you can ignore me ...

Injury in fact, you can also go up, not weapons, 3 attack position is the main attribute twelve millions of small items.

If you continue to invest in the lack of injury does not appear, occasionally interrupt controller, open wings can also be immediately sucked back. Compared to the level of high-end Frost Mage hundreds of millions of investment, 20 million D3 gold also much cheaper.

Thunder trigger factor of 0.5, there will certainly be experts God questioned. Of course, I also tested indeed crit hit trigger dizziness, default the trigger factor 1.

In addition, I also did not give up, looked under the skills introduced. See description, he did not say "when crit have chance" but directly said "when crit" So I think without calculation coefficient.

1.06 before, rest assured that the use of bold, even if 1.06 is not likely to change the trajectory of the Thunder is not very good.

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