Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Features Achievement system, build inch ground without leaving exploration

"Guild Wars 2" with its core philosophy of "innovation", has been in the subversion of the game setting and the concept of the traditional game. Ran the map I believe many of my friends have played an MMORPG game know, also have ran, but often their own whim, or receipt of the guidelines of the task to the Guild Wars 2 ", and" not just run map "open" map, but also to explore the source of fun.  gw2 gold

"Guild Wars 2" has a complete set of features achievements system, Tyria world all the results will be used as the achievements recorded, and these achievements are interconnected, that role can be shared under an account achievements You do not need to go to complete the achievement for the new role.

Explore the map achievement "Guild Wars 2" fans most favorite, most concerned about the achievement. Explore a map, you need to open all Teleport This map, read all the map fragments, found all the hidden point. Only when you have completed all exploration requirements, will receive the system to give all kinds of props to help you better in Tyria world adventure. Although rich rewards, but more to explore, reward touches followed in order to enjoy the process of exploring the fun away. Because even if it does not explore the map, it will not affect the course of your game, you can still upgrade otherwise harvest fun.  Guild Wars 2 gold

When you have completed the 100% map exploration achievements, is also Your Young Mingtairuiya the moment, which means your footprint has traveled Tyria, you have a successful explorers, will also receive a system to give the legendary weapons production material, in order to build their own legendary weapon, to prove his own glory. So it can be said, is the "Guild Wars 2" distinctive map exploration achievements system, create a inch without leaving the exploration play, explore the full Never give up!

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