Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Guild Wars 2 sledgehammer soldiers World battlefield equipping and insights

Sledgehammer warfare is the battlefield strikes, the first choice powerful groups control field will not only allow to the opposite put no skills, but also caused a great deal of pressure to the other side of the psychological. Sets plus point focus on to maximize the viability of the soldiers into the crowd, wore a lot of firepower.

Characteristics and skills are as follows:

The set features focus on the roaring skills, the skills of three roaring

E: group cleared a state solution halo

Z: Groups Fear

X: groups Vaillant and anger

Roaring back blood, selected by the tactical department features 30 points each roaring give themselves and their teammates around back to the 1400 + blood.  Guild Wars 2 gold

The E skill Xie halo the Z group control with the sledgehammer better control field.

The elite skills flags is used to save people, and can also be used to give of Zamen or built red cars provided firm Zamen when, sometimes 3-4 teammates fell to the ground will be very passive, but a plug The flag can restore the situation.

The treatment skills stacked 3 layers adrenal.

Encounters with treatment skills, layer 3 adrenal, sledgehammer F1 H directly past, then the sledgehammer the 4 range strike fly, together with the group control can disintegrate directly out across the offensive against the want to escape the enemy with a sledgehammer 3 deceleration and comes with 1 second root effects. This talent to save people is also very efficient, because the tactical characteristics trigger rescue effect. Blood roaring back and forth, sword and shield from the necessary change.

Come talk about the choice of equipment and Rune

Equipped as follows:

First of all properties, systemic Power, Toughness, of Vitality

Karma NPC equipment to start pathway: AC brand for the the battlefield brand for or temple

Jewelry starting ways: the battlefield brand, or auction house to buy yellow

Ways: AC, battlefield weapons to start

The Rune Select Superior Rune of the Soldier

Plus Toughness plus Vitality, 6 sets of results is roaring skills to clean up a state of the perfect combination and our character

Upgrade slot to put the jewelry is the Crest of the Soldier, also the PTV attributes.

Weapons I chose Superior Sigil of Paralyzation, an increase of 15% stun time.  GW2 gold

The second set of weapons with personal preferences, I recommend using the sword and shield, because often rushed into the crowd, sword and shield can greatly improve survival, escape ability.

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