Monday, December 10, 2012

The GW2 novice: new role village growth tasks system

Guild Wars 2, your first birth of your legend class, and then to grow in order to better your legendary class, then for a novice players need to know about Guild Wars 2 upgrade features.

Features: task system

Features: task system is not a question mark and exclamation point that you usually see in other 3D online games, but to be a star in place, as shown in the icon of the stars of the NPC head. The opening of the mission system need only close to the NPC, you will find the direction of the bottom right corner of the screen operation prompted prompt exchange by F, this is Guild Wars 2 features close to the NPC press F, then will pop up a dialog window, click Finish task .

Features: you accept the task, do not know how to operate, and then press the M button, you will find that the stars on the map. This is Guild Wars 2 game features, and the role of the mission systems rely on the stars to guide the direction of flow. All you need to do is go to the place of the stars.   Guild Wars 2 gold

After you reach the stars, and not NPC, suddenly more your map a circle, the circle is Guild Wars 2 features dynamic events, the dynamic part of the event will be interspersed in your personal mission system task is not dynamic events. Then this circle thing you have to do is to go to Circle of place that cross sword to kill the invading enemy. Beat the invasion. This task does not need guidelines that can be completed, followed by the NPC to play.

Way to accomplish this task: First, you will see on the map a circle, a large map and you lower corner of the map can see that the task goal is marked by the circle inside the Ngau Tau tasks monster into a dynamic time , in the upper right corner of your will have a progress bar, complete dynamic events prompt box will pop up when the progress bar is full. Basically completed way to kill the monster in the dynamic region in the dynamic region can promote the progress bar move. Dynamic event, you want to complete Ngau Tau kill BOSS monster in the final, which is the Ngau Tau labeled monsters. Because the last point of the progress bar to fill the final BOSS. Kill the little monster will not complete the dynamic again.

This task is completed, enter your real task away.

Features: acceptance of the task

Completed the first phase, following the introduction of trial in your upgrade process.


Open large map will find that there are a lot of hearts, hollow type. These places is the task of issuing the place, these places do not need you to find a NPC dialogue, need only close to the region would activate the mission system, the upper right corner of the progress bar appears to activate the task system.

The progress bar in the upper right corner to open the need to complete the tasks of the region to promote the progress bar fill. The task area controllable task area in the heart-shaped target to complete the task. Manipulation can mean kill, available, capable of destroying, etc.. (Region kill the monster, destroy the monster eggs or other items, to get some items over to the NPC, etc..)

Completion of the task of the region, the progress bar disappears, the large map found that the hollow into a solid, mission accomplished.

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