Saturday, December 22, 2012

Tyria cultural tour - "Ranger's notes" Chapter One

The child's laughter ears warm afternoon sunshine on me today is a good day to travel a foot.

May not stray as the end point of the dream, the heart beating in the chest, however, allows you refused to stop. Mottled hands of the sword and feet stale boots, reminds me of that period of wandering years. For some people, the tranquility of rural life is a lifelong dream; For me, is the natural fate of eternal exploration.

I am not in order to explore life in order to live and explore.

I'm a mercenary, fighting to win the bounty, a battlefield between endless wandering. I was homeless, but still have to admit that for each piece he had the line through the place, and I will cherish a sentimental attachment. Perhaps inevitable that one day, the danger will be the end of my journey - and people like me, fate is inevitable in such a dangerous era. But I still hope left in this world before the fate of so I can not pick up a pen, what is not killing, not burned the houses, not mercenaries wild cry, but some really useful things.

With this idea, I collected some ideas recently finishing them down, than I hope these words can live longer credible historical record this change of scene earth.

Every time I'm passing through those war-ridden land, I will listen to people tell their stories. I have traveled to every corner of Tyria continent. This beautiful, rugged land, and fortunate that I have not yet seen the Oriental continent cut from the off. But even if the whole world this is the only piece of land, and still full of mortal exhausted the miracle of a lifetime's worth of scenery.

Now, forget the world how huge and incredible it! Now I want to tell you, I can see the traveler, the smell, as well as from the legends know.

Before I began to talk about, we must first clearance About Tyria name meaning.

Tyria narrow sense, refers to our feet to gain a foothold in this vast land; is called "Tyria the Continent". It is floating in the endless ocean of land, is one of raising the cradle of many civilizations. Voyager I heard a group crossed the waters mentioned, stands the other side of the ocean, other civilization mainland: Tengu flying days, jasper palace stands such as forest Cantha; sun-like shine, such as gold coins, all over the tropical Elona, ??rain forest, where the People's skin as black as ebony, and its customs and we are very different. Perhaps with the footprint of the adventurers, in the future there will be more of the continent mapping pen.

(Tyria mainland just Tyria the world's largest land mass outside the map, there are many unknown land waiting for human exploration)

Broad Tyria, refers to all of the world. We called Tyria World. Why Repeat named, I think perhaps in our awareness, Tyria is the world's largest land, it represents almost all of the civilized world, therefore we use the name of Tyria continent named this world. The old monk had a Eyadema repair will show me a roll of old parchment scroll. Years swept over the writing and graphics, has given way to a whole lot of reel illegible. Which depicts the idea was to Jiaoren shocked: the site drawings portrayed as a sphere suspended in the sky in our world. Yes, maybe we are living in the sphere of Fengyun named "Tyria" emptiness us world (or in accordance with those astronomers called "Planet"), follow invisible orbit Tyria around.

Chantry is of Secrets (game hanging a Tyria planet model to show human Tyria basic ideas and understanding of the structure of the world)

In short, Tyria both the name of the world, is also one of a mainland name. I have not personally seen Cantha or Ilona vistas, so when I talk about "below Tyria, you have to understand that, unless otherwise stated, or I said refers to Tyria continent.

Let our eyes to refocus up to Tyria continent. Thousands of years ago, this ancient land is by no means looks like now. Gone through thousands of years of wind and rain, the burning of the fire of war, dragon recovery shredded the crust, rise of countless Kingdom but also destroy thousands hero was born they entered the tomb ... ultimately, the fate of it shape became what it is today . Here, every kingdom filled with a long history of culture, tradition, honor, and the bitter hatred. Here, every inch of land is filled with legends and stories.

Chapter 1: Scars of the War - Ascalon

Stands in the Tyria earth northeast, had all of human culture Ganso: Ascalon kingdom. According to historical records, far before humans appeared, an ancient race called chalcone on interest-bearing at the top of this piece of land. Creatures as full of desire, the innate human desire to possess and to win. With the forces gradually became strong, human intrusion of Ascalon land Aboriginal chalcone were driven into the northern land of bitter cold. Human So based on this piece of fertile land, built a mighty kingdom of Ascalon.

However, like the old bachelor who Eyadema repair will say, "on the stage of history only actor came and went, staged the story has never changed." Several hundred years later, gradually chalcone help of a powerful spirit named "Titan", once again the gates of Ascalon, want to recapture Brideshead Revisited. And then human piece of land away from them in the hands of the case, chalcone already have the technology and magic that humans can not imagine.

(Once expelled chalcone eventually to return to native land and blood for the claims to human, however this is only open a bloody revenge reincarnation)

Undergo the baptism of war and the brutal environment, chalcone their Corps units constitute society, each member must accept strict military training from the birth of the moment. They manipulate chariot cast steel, driven huge siege machinery as a driving force to the flame, crush all enemies stand in the way. In the face of this all-devouring army, the mighty kingdom of Ascalon like a weak baby.

(The chalcone now no longer a savage race, they have a highly militarized social system, terrible combat, as well as human unmatched mechanical technology)

Of course, the war there are no winners, only losers lose less. In the this Kuang absolute history of war, chalcone release the power of the Titans to summon fire rain down from heaven, Ascalon verdant wilderness and magnificent city into ruins and painted asphalt Wasteland. In response, King Ed Bohn of Ascalon swear, he and the arm of the warriors will never succumb to the despotic power of the enemy. This end, he released the named "Foefire" curse, life and soul of all warriors guard Ascalon pulled the body into a ghost forever wandering in a fog and ruins, and kill anyone who dared to break into the reckless.

(In Ascalon break that moment, King Ed Bohn issued a he never surrender curse: the hatred the fire. Forces soldiers dead and alive soul into a ghost guards detained in the city ruins)

In this way, once. "Tyria Pearl, completely reduced to a hell on earth. The clouds of biotite, desolate ruins, as if covered surface cellular Tar Pits ... this terrorist Wasteland people can not and history books described Qingshancuigu linked. Travelers who are only in silence and sorrow to mourn the scars of this Oriental.   GW2 gold

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