Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Evolution of the hundreds of skills, "Guild Wars 2" cross-class combination of skills

Are you tired of the skill set no change? Tired nothing new skill sets? Take a look at it to "Guild Wars 2" features cross-class skill sets, every class skills can be combined with each other, derived out of the hundreds of different combinations of skills, which are more powerful combination of skills, skills more dazzling effect.

"Guild Wars 2" class skills are not static, is subject to the environmental impact of the fighting, many skills can be combined.

Skills portfolio includes two important parts: starting skills and skills of the end. Starting combination of skills to establish, to end by the end of the skills. Almost all weapons have similar skill set of starting skills and at the end of the explorers matter what kind of class or choose what skills and have the opportunity to discover and launch a combined skills.    Guild Wars 2 gold

For example, your teammates elements release a flame on the ground, as a ranger you, this time shot bows and arrows through the firewall can be turned into a rocket, an even greater threat. Combination class skills, skills can be strengthened, broke out in greater power.

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