Monday, December 24, 2012

The source of the power of destruction, "Guild Wars 2" ancient dragon

250 years after the film "Eye of the North", Tyria world completely changed its original appearance, and the story of "Guild Wars 2" which kicked off. These changes are caused by sleeping a thousand ancient dragon awakening, now have The five known ancient dragon Primordus Jormag Kralkatorrik, Deep sea dragon, they are extremely powerful. Each has unfathomable power of the ancient dragon, they are not only enemy of Tyria, a state of hostility between their awakening will bring destruction to the earth.

Primordus, awakening in 1120AE

Primordus, ancient dragon first awakening in Tyria continent. Primordus original habitat in deep underground caves, but it was Asura mistaken for a statue of magic power. Therefore, Asura dragon around the construction of the central transfer chamber. The Primordus originally should 1078AE awakening, but with the first minion, The Great Destroyer is defeated, his awakening postponed 1120AE. Primordus awakening ancient dragon who have accompanied his breakthrough.

The Primordus awakening the the spoilers minions dormant in the depths of Tyria surging out, crushed Asura hope to return to their homeland. The boulder's son - the dwarves left behind to guard the depths of Tyria exports to ensure that the minions of Primordus not threaten to surface, and the rest of the dwarves deep cave fighting Primordus and the client. Primordus awakening to stay below the surface, clear of other species in the underground, which also forced a number of other races to escape from the depths. Primordus activities, his minions everywhere on the surface.

Jormag, awakening in 1165AE

Norn sometimes Jormag of referred to as the "dragon". 1165AE, Jormag in seats baby Mountains awakening, forcing Kodan family south fled to Frost waters, and war and there Norn residents. Before awakening, Jormag dormant in Zhuoka lake. 1078AE, Jormag to bestow Addis Neil force as exchange conditions induce the Addis Neal became Jormag first guards - a body covered with ice and snow half-man, half-bear monster, and is known as the Norn Bear . Addis Neil also killed his sister Chawla becomes Bear. Addis Neil Addis Neil's son is called organization, Jormag With their forces to speed up the pace of awakening.

Jormag awakening caused by the earthquake, the destruction of the topography of the far north, causing the frozen waters of the North flood, and the formation of a new inland sea. Utsumi also became the residence of some of the the Kodan refugees from the Holy Land. Jormag tides in northern waters also destroyed the many icebergs city. Norn fighter, but can not stop the snow and ice minions of the dragon's footsteps "icebrood" Norn are forced to fled once the dwarves territory in the south. The dragon army has occupied Zhuoka lake occupied territory and willing to take, Gan to take occupation of land glaciers has been divided into several parts.

Zhaitan, awakening in 1219AE

Zhaitan appear among the dwarves aure ancient dragon legend. It has been sleeping under aure continent, 1219AE awakening from a deep sleep. Awakening brought Zhaitan oppressive force, making the original peninsula sank liters out of the water, which also killed those looking for a safe haven or search aure treasure pirates. The aure uplift triggered the earthquake and tsunami waves flooded many waterfront area including warfare Order of the Islands and the lion arches.

Zhaitan use their own power control the undead wandering in aure form a powerful army. It then calls out from the seabed wreck of the pirate and souls of the composition of the crew, and built a comparable Army Navy. Dragon's navy new surfaced aure Islands extends to the Ring of Fire Islands across Markov Strait, blocked channel to Ellie. A century, no one can break through the blockade of Zhaitan Navy to leave or enter Tyria futile any attempt to break through the blockade, but grow the Zhaitan army.

Guild Wars 2 gold

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